Chromosome 'S': The Angel Read online




  Copy Right @ 2017 by Solomon Rey

  Al right reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without permission of the author is unlawful pricey and theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), prior written permission must be obtained by contacting the author. Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.

  Art work by Brent Bernhagen

  This book is a work of fiction. Any reference to historical or religious events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places and events are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  I met a man a few years back. He inspired and encouraged me to write this book. He told me of his kids whom he loved unconditionally and their time together. I incorporated a lot of their character traits and experiences they shared with his permission and exhortation.

  R.D. Keep the faith−things will turn around! God will make things happen−you’ll see!

  Love you my brother,



  “Leave him alone, Scott! He didn’t do anything to you!” Olivia shouted angrily, sandwiching herself between her best friend Derek, who happened to be the second smartest and smallest 8th grader attending Lincoln Middle School which was forever an irresistible target for bullies, and Scott Davies. The huge fifteen year old tormenter who had been held back two times and most assuredly would happen again. Unless, of course, the teachers passed him, because they grew weary of dealing with his unyielding insolence.

  “Students were gathering all around, like a pack of wolves on the scent of fresh meat. They wanted a show that would include blood, broken bones and maybe some begging. Humiliation was always a crowd-pleaser. The more, the better and who the winner would be, was inconsequential. It was all about the entertainment value.

  Although the crowd was building, Olivia was oblivious to her surroundings, the only thing she gave a damn about was protecting the best friend she ever had. She would do whatever was required, even if it meant the possibility of physical pain, extreme embarrassment or both. She already felt like a social misfit, a little shame and degradation wouldn’t alter a thing, least of all her popularity with the jocks and prima donnas.

  She stared fiercely and steadily into Scott’s beady little eyes, her face reddened with escalating anger. “Leave him alone, jerk,” she yelled again as she tried using all her might to shove him back. Scott was tall and muscular, weighing in at one hundred-fifty pounds., a considerable amount more than Olivia. He didn’t budge an inch, she thought, crap! The only thing she succeeded in doing was giving him and his buddy something more to laugh about.

  Scott flexed his muscles as he began, “Well, isn’t this the sweetest thing; little creepy Olivia wants to fight her wussy boyfriend’s battles,” he said cockily, raising his head to look for encouragement from the crowd. His attention returned to Olivia, “You should get outta the way, if you don’t wanna get hurt.” He heedlessly, with very little effort or thought, pushed Olivia to the side, which wasn’t very difficult being that she was a feather-weight. She was less than ninety pounds and stood barely 4’7”, (4’8 ½” on her tippy-toes). Olivia was the smartest and smallest 8th grader at Lincoln.

  Scott’s fists were out and ready to cause serious pain as he advanced on Derek. Olivia stripped off her backpack, straps clenched in her tiny hands, as she prepared to pummel Scott. Her arms flew back to wind up for her swing. Ronnie, one of Scott’s buddies who was always at his side, latched onto it. Using his weight and strength, to his advantage, he yanked it hard as he could, causing Olivia to land solidly, slamming her butt down on the hot cement walkway.

  Scott veered his head to gaze at her splayed across the floor in pain. Her legs spread wide with a grimace on her face. If I didn’t have a crack in my butt before “she thought, I do now. Oww!

  He pointed at her as he threw his head back and hooted uncontrollably. The kids who had gathered to watch the show, laughed in unison. The sudden whoops and shouts from her fellow classmates caught her attention. When did all these people get here, she asked herself. She studied the faces of the audience, some friendly, most not.

  Her eyes fell upon her and Derek’s best friend Lisa Ryan. Her face was stern as she gestured with her hands upward. She screamed at the top of her lungs, “Get up!” But Olivia heard nothing; it was drowned out by the roar of the kids.

  Olivia’s eyes continued to travel along the line of people surrounding them, suddenly her eyes stopped. There stood the three girls she despised most: Rachel, Sonya and Doreen. The same three who had taunted and tormented her and Derek for the past two years, insulting them or making snide comments meant to hurt and embarrass them. Rachel, with her perfect smile grinned smugly at her, as she flipped Olivia off. The other two snickered derisively, waving their manicured hands at her.

  For Olivia and Derek, school sucked−big time! Neither was looking forward to starting 9th grade at Marshfield High School. It would just be more of the same torment

  to endure. Bullies, snobs, drama queens, and a few mentally unstable kids. They had been thankful that today was the final day of the school year and had hoped they would get through it and make it home without incident-That didn’t happen.

  Their summer would consist of: Sleeping until noon every day, hanging out at Sunset Beach, hiking, listening to music, watching movies, eating tons of Hot Pockets and playing video games till all hours of the night, the same as it had been each summer for years. Life would be excellent−temporarily.

  Derek had been Olivia’s best friend, confidant and playmate since they were in pre-school. From the first day they had latched onto each other and never let go. They were inseparable, where ever Olivia was, Derek would be sure to follow and vice versa. They knew each other’s secrets, dreams and most private of thoughts and would die before sharing with another soul. They would defend each other, with little or no regard for themselves. Which is why, Derek seeing the pain and anger across Olivia’s face, when she hit the ground, became enraged.

  He saw only red as he attacked Scott. Like a wild cat, he attacked him, striking him repeatedly, hitting him as hard as he could, and hoping he was hurting him. But Derek’s blows had as much effect on Scott as a kitten pouncing on a pit-bull. He was unfazed by Derek’s assault. He found it humorous. Scott pulled Derek up on his toes by his shirt collar.

  “Think you’re tough, shrimp?” He said with a chuckle as he looked around to confirm he had everyone’s attention.

  “No, I don’t! Just leave us alone,” he pleaded angrily.

  “You don’t know when to keep your big mouth shut, Mitchell! Always got something smartass to say, right?”

  Scott was right about him. Derek was always ready with a Joke or sarcastic remark and even now, he couldn’t resist. Olivia knew what was coming too. No Derek, she thought, don’t say it. Be quiet for once!

  “I’m sorry,” Derek said, “but, did you say something? I must have passed out for a second there cuz your breath smells like my dogs butt,” he stared at Scott and smiled.

  Olivia shook her head, the crowd laughed at his joke, which angered Scott.

  “Still the jokester, huh,” Scott asked, “So, tell me how this feels.”

  Scott pulled back his right arm, clenched his hand into a fist, and slammed it into Derek�
��s nose. Blood jetted everywhere, spraying down onto his and Scott’s clothes.

  He laughed as Derek fell to his knees, feeling more pain than he’d ever known. He held his nose, trying to stop the bleeding and wishing the painful throbbing would cease. He was unable to see through his tear-filled eyes.

  “Not so funny now, are you Mitchell,” he said pushing Derek onto his behind with his foot.

  “Or should we call him, wussy?” He turned to the crowd, smiling, “So what d’ya think, should we call him wussy from now on?”

  The crowd responded with cheers and laughter. Lisa dashed away from her fellow classmates and ran to find a teacher or janitor. Anyone who could possibly help her friends. She bounded up the stairs that led to the classrooms, sprinting down the hall, stopping at each door. She was unable to locate any help.

  Derek sat on his butt, still trying to stop the bleeding, wishing he’d learn to keep his mouth shut−not going to happen.

  Olivia glanced through the crowd looking for a friendly face, someone to help them. There was no one. It was up to them to save their own hides. There really wasn’t anything they could do against these bullies, unless they were willing to be beaten to a pulp, which they weren’t. They were small, but not stupid.

  Olivia clutched her backpack and ran over to Derek’s side. She knelt down to help him, “Put your head back and squeeze your nose,” she directed, “You really should learn when to shut up.” She felt a pang in her heart when she saw his tears running down his cheeks.

  “You’d think I would, huh,” he said, “Hey, you think I hurt his fist with my face?” He chuckled lightly as she quickly wiped his tears. She didn’t want the others to see them, it would only fuel their cruelty even more and give them another reason to mock and ridicule Derek.

  She held his head back as she looked up at Scott, “Leave him alone! You’ve hurt him enough! You probably broke his nose, are you happy?” She pleaded.

  “I’m really happy. I’m so happy, I think I’ll do it again if you don’t shut your face,” he said smiling ear to ear. He wanted to humiliate them as much as possible.

  “I tell ya what,” Scott said as he faced the crowd, bringing his attention back to his two scared but angry victims, “I’ll let ya leave on one condition.”

  “What’s the condition?” Olivia asked sharply. Derek’s bleeding ceased, but the throbbing continued.

  “If−, “Scott was finding it difficult to withhold his laughter, “If you and wussy−“

  “His name is Derek!” She shouted. If I were only big enough, she thought, I’d make his nose bleed like a fountain.

  “Like I was saying, if you and wussy wanna leave, then you can leave−

  Uh-oh, here it comes, Derek thought, I bet it’s going to be something ingenuous, since he’s working with a brain the size of a pea. He grinned at this thought.

  “But you’re gonna have to get on your bellies and crawl like the slimy, disgusting slugs you are,” he laughed, looking as though he had said something clever.

  Olivia stared into the grotesque cheering faces of her classmates. There were kids she had known most of her life, some she had considered friends, but now they disgusted her by their evident joy in their perilous predicament. Many she had helped with homework, tutoring or occasionally allowing some to copy off tests, but now she needed them−none would help.

  She would have to come up with something on the fly, if they were going to get out of this mess with their pride and bones still intact. There are two of them, she thought, and two of us. They are way bigger, stronger and faster than we are, but they have the I.Q.s to rival a woodchuck. We can’t outrun them on open ground or fight them, which would literally be suicide.

  Olivia scoured the area for a possible answer to their problem, glancing through the crowd, the neighboring buildings, anywhere she could see. She eyed the means for their escape. If only they could reach it before the imbeciles grabbed them.

  “We’re not crawling, Scott,” Derek said trying to sound confident.

  “Derek! Be quiet,” Olivia snapped, “We really have no choice.

  She winked at him, letting him know, she had a plan.


  Olivia turned to Scott, “Can I talk to him for a second so I can try to convince him?” She asked feigning sincerity.

  “You got about thirty seconds before I start to beat the crap out of the both of you,” he said hitting his palm with his fist, “I’m gonna beat you so badly, your parents won’t recognize you,” he and Ronnie laughed.

  Olivia didn’t respond to Scott’s threat, she turned back to Derek. Leaning down, she whispered into his ear, “We only have one chance of getting out of here,” she said furtively, “You see the hedges behind us?” He nodded, “Remember last year, you, me and Lisa would climb through there in the mornings? It’s barely big enough for us to fit, they’ll never get through!”

  Derek eyed the fence. It has to be at least a half a football field away, he thought, is she crazy? We’ll never make it, it might as well be a million miles away. Once they catch us we’re done, dead meat, we’ll be sleeping with the fishes.

  Olivia hadn’t finished telling him her plan. She could see his mind was elsewhere. “Derek, pay attention. The only way we can beat them to the hedges is if we…” He listened carefully, trying to conceal a grin when she’d reached the finale.

  “Times up, slugs!” Ronnie said with a Cheshire cat grin as though he were standing in line at a buffet− full of anticipation.

  “Okay fine,” Derek said as he and Olivia stood up holding their backpacks. This better work, he thought, or I’ll finally find out how hospital food taste.

  They approached the bullies with fear on their faces which filled the two cretins with joy. Blood slowly trickled from Derek’s nose onto his previously white T-shirt. Olivia’s behind still ached but she wasn’t about to give Scott the satisfaction of knowing he’d hurt her.

  “We’ll do it, but we need you to hold our backpacks for us,” Derek said somberly.

  Scott and Ronnie smiled at each other. They could practically read each other’s mind. They would keep their backpacks as the slugs crawled, hoping that they would contain snacks, school supplies or most importantly−money. They turned back to the runts, “Sure! No problem,” Ronnie said enthusiastically.

  Derek faced Olivia, “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  “It has nothing to do with wanting to. Scott and Ronnie give us no choice.” He nodded agreement.

  “Listen to your girlfriend, wussy,” Scott said.

  “Okay, then I guess we have no choice,” Derek said wanting to smile as he held out his backpack to Ronnie; Olivia held hers to Scott.

  “Here you go,” Olivia said.

  As the bullies snatched the backpacks from their victims, Olivia’s right foot landed directly between Scott’s legs. Derek mirrored Olivia’s move, bringing both bullies down to their knees.

  The previously silent crowd burst into cheers and claps. So loud, it was almost deafening.

  The bullies dropped the backpacks to ease the pain they were feeling in their crotches. It was so intense, like lightning throughout their bodies. They fell on their sides in the fetal position moaning and groaning, as the crowd whooped and hollered, excited about the unexpected turn of events, some of them, unable to comprehend that these two little kids were able to topple Scott and Ronnie and bring them to their knees. Lisa screamed

  for her friends, almost glad she was unable to find an adult to help. Rachel, Sonya and Doreen were distraught as they watched the show. They wanted to see the shrimps humiliated in front of everyone. They wore scowls on their faces, which evidenced their displeasure. Olivia and Derek snatched up their backpacks and headed toward the hedge. The pain the bullies were experiencing as overwhelming. Their testicles felt like they’d grown to the size of bowling balls and just as heavy. Their anger drove them on as they fought their way, first to their knees, then their feet. They trotted slowly after th
em, picking up speed as they went. Scott was fueled by the allure of pounding their heads into the cement, over and over, until their eyes popped out of their skulls. Ronnie was a follower, doing exactly what Scott expected of him, but eventually someone would come along who was stronger or tougher than Scott to lead him or hopefully, he would learn there is no future in being a lackey.

  Derek peeked over his shoulder. “Oh crap!!” Derek shouted, “They’re coming!”

  Olivia shot a glance back at Scott, fear penetrated her body. The look of unadulterated hatred across his ugly face was enough to tell her; if the bullies caught them, they’d end up going to the hospital in an ambulance. “Run!!!” She shouted, terror evident in her voice.

  Lisa, along with the rest of the crowd, watched Olivia and Derek race for the hedge. She had figured what their plan was, she screamed, “Run!” Loud as she could, hoping they’d hear.

  Olivia and Derek were a few feet from the hedge, they heard pounding of footsteps behind them. Derek slid under the hedge with Olivia following. It was a tight fit, but they made it.

  Squeezing between the hedge and the fence, they received a throng of scratches. To their horror the hole was not there. They had miscalculated.

  “Where is it? It should be right here!” Derek said as he struck the fence angrily. A sense of panic washed over them.

  “I think it’s just over this way,” she said, pointing to her right.

  “Are you sure?” He asked eagerly.

  “I’m not positive, it’s a fifty-fifty chance.”

  “Okay, but if you’re wrong,” he said, “There’s not much I can do about it,” he joked.

  They crawled on hands and knees through dirt and discarded trash enduring many more cuts and bruises.